OS | Processor | Mem | Video Chip | W/H | FPS | Acc | Tex | BPP | Misc |
Debian GNU/Linux (potato) | Pentium II 350MHz | 64M | RIVA128 | 320/240 | 50 | no | no | 16 | Main development machine. w/o 3D hardware acceleration |
Debian GNU/Linux (potato) | Pentium II 350MHz | 64M | Voodoo 2 | 640/480 | 60-76 | yes | yes | 16 | Same machine. with 3D hardware acceleration |
Unknown | Pentium III 667 | 128M | Nvidia TNT2(16Mb) | 640/480 | 95 | yes | yes | ? | XFree86 4.0.1 with Nvidia's GLX driver. |
Debian GNU/Linux (potato) | Pentium 133MHz | 64M | Matrox Millenium | 210/160 | 14 | no | no | 16 | Bit slow. but even playable |
unkown | Pentium III 450MHz | 256M | S3 ViRGE | 320/240 | 17-18 | no | no | 32 | - |
Acc: 3D Hardware Acceleration
Tex: Texture
This document was last modified at Fri Dec 01 02:57:01 PST 2000